Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sharing the Love

A big bloggy thank you to Dawn Malone over at Here's the Story for passing on the Liebster Blog Award to us. The award is designed to recognize blogs with under 200 followers. It appears that recognized blogs are supposed to spotlight five blogs who should get the award next and so on. In the spirit of Liebster Blog then, here are some promising sites we at Swagger enjoy, and encourage you to visit:

Hands on Books: Nonfiction for Kids with Fun Activities
Tasha Seegmiller
Juliana L. Brandt
YA Fusion
Smack in the Middle

"Liebster" in German means beloved. So was this award created by a German blogger? Does anyone know?

Swagger Writers


  1. Thank you so much! I will pass it along.

  2. Good question about the word 'leibster'. It hadn't occurred to me to look up its meaning! I'm wondering, too.
    Also, thanks for the links to the new blogs. Off to check them out...
