Wednesday, February 4, 2015


by Kathy Cannon Wiechman

IWSG Badge

I am and expect to always be an insecure writer. I say that in spite of my recent success with novel LIKE A RIVER, and in spite of (or sometimes because of) a few other things you might not know about me.
Fellow writer and friend Juliana Lee nominated me for the One Lovely Blog Award. What this requires me to do is:

First, tell seven things you might not know about me. So here goes.
1)  I don’t understand blog awards. Or blogs. Don’t misunderstand. I love being part of Swagger, but if not for Kim Van Sickler, I wouldn’t be. Because I wouldn’t know how. I am extremely low-tech. Thanks, Kim, for your patience. Thanks, Juliana, for the nom.
2)  I don’t text. Never have. If you receive a text that’s supposed to be from me, it’s not. If I receive a text, I respond with a phone call.
3)  Being published required me to have a website. Remember what I said about being low-tech? My nephew designed my website and takes care of it for me. (You can check it out here.)
4)  Said nephew also took care of getting low-tech Me an author Facebook page (You can LIKE it here).
5)  Nephew also started a twitter account for me (You can follow me here). I am still a novice tweeter, but I am learning.
6)  Part of my insecurity as a writer stems from the fact that it took me 39 years of writing novels to get my first contract. But I hung in, and it happened! LIKE A RIVER will launch April 7th. And the past year has been an exciting one as I watched the stages of a novel getting published.
7)  The second contract did not take another 39 years. (Thank God!) I was offered a contract in January on a second novel! Even before the first is released! And I am ecstatic!

The second thing I am supposed to do is nominate 7 other blogs for this One Lovely Blog Award. It may not be the way this award was intended, but I nominate my fellow Swagger bloggers and other followers of Swagger. (Ann Finkelstein, this means you.)

Any of you who want to pick up this challenge, tell us in a comment below, so we know where to go to read your 7 things. And all you writers, who still don’t have a published novel or a contract for one, hang in there. I am proof of what can happen.


  1. Congrats on your book success and hanging in there and writing until you got your publishing contract. And glad the second contract didn't take you as long.

    It's okay to be low tech but remember we can all learn. I have learned to be more high tech when the need arose and it's given me confidence. Glad you have your nephew to help you. And Kim, who is awesome.

    1. Thanks, Natalie. Helpful friends and family members have encouraged and supported my efforts for a long time, and I know I would be nowhere without them.

  2. Congrats on the book! I'm low-tech too. Like, am I even on a computer? What happened to Minesweeper? Keep on!

    1. Thanks. It's good to know I am not alone in the low-tech world.

  3. Congratulations on the award! I'm accepting the same one on my IWSG post. :D And congrats on the contract!

    1. Congrats, fellow blog award recipient! I look forward to reading your list.

  4. loved this post, Kathy. because your example is so encouraging. You can eventually go to to read my 7. But it might be awhile before it's up. Did i do this right?

    1. You absolutely did, Carol, and I look forward to seeing your list when it goes up.

  5. Congrats on the success of your first book. I hadn't heard about the second contract-how exciting. You're an inspiration to those of us still waiting for that first contract! Congrats again.

    1. Thanks, Nancy. I am confident your success will happen. Just keep at it. It's all about perseverance.

  6. Congrats on the award and the book success!

    1. Thanks, Sarah. I appreciate your stopping by and leaving a comment.

  7. You were one determined writer! And good thing you have a talented nephew, Kathy. Congratulations on the award.

    1. Thanks, Alex. I definitely appreciate my nephew. And I look forward to your newest launch, which happens to coincide with mine.

  8. I just redid my own website's design. It took about 4 hours and I was SO frustrated by the end, I realized the value in just paying someone to do it. But when I asked for a quote by a website designer that specializes in author sites, she quoted me $1,000. I don't think so!

    1. Wow! Obviously I didn't pay my nephew enough. Thanks for enlightening me.

  9. I'm low tech too. Once I learn something new, I never want it to change. I thought I would never text either, now I rarely call. Can't hear well on the phone anyways so may as well read what someone has to say.

    1. I will probably text eventually, too. But not yet. Thanks for your comment. It's been nice hearing from other low-tech people.

  10. Congrats on your successful first book, and I'm sure the second one will be another big hit! I really admire your perseverance, Kathy! Congrats also on your award! I'm also very low-tech. It's great that your wonderful nephew has been so helpful!


    1. Thank you. I would say we low-tech people should stick together, but I fear we are already vastly outnumbered and destined to become more so.

  11. Congrats on your awards and book! Thanks for dropping by my blog on Blitz Day!

    1. Thanks, Zan. And I was delighted to check out your blog.
